Online Examinations
Computer Science and Engg. (Sixth Semester 2020-21).
Attempt any five(5) questions. All questions carry equal marks.
Maximum Time- 3Hr.
- What is an organization? Why it is established?
- What is management? Explain the level of management.
- What is entrepreneurship? Explain the role of an Entrepreneur.
- What are the vital properties of a manager? Explain
- Explain the role of a manager in an organization.
- Explain the types of industrial organizations and their advantages.
- Explain leadership with its roles in an organization.
- Explain motivation with its types.
Practical Exam of Cloud Computing
Write all the practicals in your practical notebook(A4 size paper with vired binding).
Note:- All the practicals have to be submitted in college as hard copies.
- Introduction to Cloud Vendors: Amazon, Microsoft, IBM.
- Setting up Virtualization using Virtualbox/VMWare Hypervisor
- Introduction to OwnCloud
- Installation and configuration of OwnCloud software for SaaS
- Accessing Microsoft AZURE cloud-services
- Cloud Simulation Software Introduction: CloudSim
Note:- Steps for submitting the answer sheet.
- All the answers must be written on A4 size paper or notebook.
- Therefore take the images of all the pages individually.
- Combine all the images and create a pdf with your name.
- Submit the pdf on WhatsApp no.9719171508 and send mail to on or before 4:00 PM
Note:- All the students have to submit their answer sheet as hard copy after opening the colleges, it is compulsory.
Industrial Management and Entrepreneurship Development
online examination