What are the Control Structure and Control Statements in Arduino?
- The control structure describes how the program's codes are organised to allow it to perform actions in response to certain conditions.
- For example, if you want your programme to turn on an LED only when a sensor registers 60°C, you'll need to structure your code in such a way that it can accurately execute such a command.
- Program control structuring, often known as "control structure," is a way of enforcing such operations in a programme.
- Control statements are elements (functions) in a source code that control the flow of program execution, wait, jump, repeat, etc.
Control statements in arduino are as....
- If statement.
- Else statement.
- Else if statement.
- For statement.
- While statement.
- Do while statement.
- Switch case.
- Continue.
If statement:
- The conditional statement, known as the if (), is the base for all programming languages.
- If the condition in the code is true, the job or function that corresponds is executed. If a program's condition is true, it returns one value. If the condition is false, it also returns another value.
- The if () statement checks for a condition before executing a statement or a series of statements.
- Let's use a flow chart to help us understand the topic.
If statement in arduino |
- It shows the process of executing a statement in detail. If the condition is False, the if () expression is exited. The function is run if the condition is true.
- The if () condition is expressed as follows:
if ( condition)
// include statements
// if the condition is true
// then performs the function.
int a = 6; // initialization of values to variables a and b
int b = 4;
void setup()
void loop()
if (a > b )
Serial.println( " a is greater than b ");
if (b > a )
Serial.println( " b is greater than a ");
Expected Output:
a is greater than b
Example 2:
const int LED1 = 2;
const int LED2 = 13;
int x = 80 ;
void setup ( )
Serial.begin( 9600 );
pinMode ( LED1, OUTPUT);
pinMode ( LED2, OUTPUT);
void loop ( )
if ( x > 100 )
digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);
delay (500);
if ( x < 100 )
digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH);
delay (500);
The example is of two LEDs.
Control Statements and Loops in Arduino
control statements in arduino
Internet of Things by mskuthar
loops in arduino