Latest Python Projects with source code
- Python is used to create the Simple Complaint Management System project. Python scripts are included in the project file (,,
- This is a straightforward console-based system that is simple to operate and comprehend.
- When it comes to the system, it has a pretty simple function that allows you to add and view complaint lists.
- There is no login feature in this little project. This implies that he or she is free to use all of the accessible capabilities.
- He/she can readily add/enter complaints on many things using this simple system.
- When filing a complaint, the user must submit his or her full name, gender, and write remarks on any issue the user desires. All of the complaints are saved in a database, and the user can quickly see a list of complaints that includes the user's name, id number, gender, and comments.
- This basic console-based Ticket Reservation system offers one of the most straightforward ways to manage complaints.
- This little project uses an external database connection to save and retrieve user data permanently.
How To Run :
- First, you need to install python.
- Download project.
- Extract project.
- Double click in
- Project is run
Complaint Management System Project
Latest Python Projects with source code
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